The Mountain Is You By Brianna Wiest; Review

Self Sabotaging is a topic we hardly discuss.

At that moment where we hit a peak in our career or life, and it feels like, if I can achieve this, then I can do more. But suddenly, there is a decline and people don’t get to hear about that greatness they anticipated from the individual.

You know you want to move forward, yet you are stuck for no reason.

You suddenly begin to exhibit behaviors that inhibit your growth.

Brianna Wiest gave examples of what self sabotaging looks like;

1) Resistance; can’t simply bring yourself to handle your new projects.

2) Uprooting; when you need to focus on what’s already yielding result, but you just can’t focus. You therefore switch to something new.

3) Perfectionism; holds you back from showing up because you never feel the work is great.

4) Limited Emotional Processing Skills; Along life’s journey, people, and events will happen to you. Your inability to process emotional issues can leave you stranded and desiring not to move forward.

5) Justification; using excuse to navigate away from uncomfortable feelings necessary for your growth.

6) Disorganization; When we leave our spaces messy, we are a few tasks or priorities away from showing up and stepping out

7) Attachment to what you really Don’t Want.

8) Judging Others; When we set up judgments for others, they become rules that we have to play by, too.

9) Pride; sometimes, we start a business and realize don’t really like it much or refuse to accept that we need to change or ask for help.

10) Guilt of Succeeding; this feeling often comes up when we start earning more money or have nicer things.

12)Fear of failing;

13)Downplaying; When we downplay our successes in life, we are either trying to make ourselves seem less impressive, so others don’t feel threatened and therefore like us more.

14) Unhealthy Habits; maintaining habits that are actively keeping you away from your goals.

15) Being Busy; People who are constantly “Busy” are running from themselves.

16) Spending time with the wrong people

17) Worrying about irrational fears and least likely circumstances.

The aim of this book is to help readers overcome any factor that will stop them from achieving their highest potential.

Brianna Wiest did a great work, and a critical look at her book may have us wanting to rank her in the light of Wallace D. Wattles.

The rating of this book for me is 9/10. Especially because of the medical and psychological part of the book. The research works makes this book a worthy read.

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